MISSSING collaborates with BIBA to create goreous bags that serve both those who create and those who buy them.

BIBA, a leading Indian ethnic wear brand, is committed to women’s empowerment, social causes, and community engagement, and invites you to be part of a greater mission for positive change.
Crafted with leftover fabric from BIBA’s manufacturing facilities, these zero-waste bags are made in remote Sundarbans, by women vulnerable to sex trafficking. These bags of hope give them a chance to earn a livelihood, become financially independent and begin a journey of empowerment.
Crafted with leftover fabric from BIBA’s manufacturing facilities, these zero-waste bags are made in remote Sundarbans, by women vulnerable to sex trafficking.These bags of hope give them a chance to earn a livelihood, become financially independent and begin a journey of empowerment.
The Story of the
The Missing Bag embodies hope and change for the women in our Women Empowerment Center. Every stitch they make is a step forward in their journey of empowerment. Every bag they create represents their victory over adversity.

Story of the MISSING Girl
Ayshah was born to a poor family in Kultali. Her parents got her married as soon as she turned 18, to a man from a neighbouring village. Sadly the domestic abuse began soon after. She was frequently assaulted by her husband, who would threaten to kill her. No access to money or help, left her with no recourse. She hoped that the birth of her son would change things, but the mental and physical abuse contunued. In fact, she felt even more helpless, as now she had an infant to protect. Things came to a head on the day her husband tied her up, set fire to the house, and fled with their child, leaving her to die. Her neighbours heard her screams and saved her life. This brutal incident marked a turning point in Ayshah’s life.
She decided to put a stop to the endless cycle of violence, fear and despair, and get out of that abusive environment. She approached the MISSING social worker to help her stand on her on feet, get financially independant and build a safe life for her child and herself. Her ransformation began at the Women Empowerment Center at Kultuli, where she began the process of upskilling and healing. Today she uses the tailoring skill learnt at the Centre to make bags for MISSING’s socially-conscious clients. A proud owner of a pre-used machine, Ayesha works from her new home, where fear has replaced laughter and hope.
The MISSING bag has been a significant step in her journey of empowerment.
As it is in the lives of many other victims of trafficking and abuse.

MISSING Women Empowerement Center
MISSING established the Women Empowerment Centre (WEC) with tailoring units which train and upskill these women to make high-quality bags and products. This access to a consistent livelihood is the first step towards their empowerment.
Why MISSING bags?

The convergence of extreme poverty, remote location, and frequent natural disasters renders the women of Sundarbans exceptionally vulnerable.

Per capita income is about 0.9 USD per day – drastically lower compared to the rest of the country

West Bengal accounts for about 43% of the 970 women and 230 children that go missing in India every day.

Deceptive promises from predators push women and girls into the abyss of red-light districts.

Buy a Missing bag at Biba.
Change her life!
When you buy a MISSING bag, you show support and help us get
closer to the goal of ending sex abuse and exploitation, creating a
safer world for women and children.
More reasons to buy a MISSING bag


Strong Social



The MISSING bags for BIBA have
changed the lives of
women in the Sundarbans
Collaborate with MISSING to prevent the next girl
from going MISSING
Through the WEC, we’ve worked
with more than 500 women in the area.
WEC has fulfilled orders of
more than 1,00,000 bags, with more
being made every day.

Write to us at
to find out how.
Write to us at reachus@savemisisnggirls.com to find out how.